Hot Springs National Park

Teddy knew what he was doing for the future of the United States when he designated land, sites and monuments as National treasures. After his death in 1919, his legacy continued as more valuable pieces of our country were recognized for the wealth they inherently brought to the people. One such prized possession is the Arkansas […]

Theodore Roosevelt Our Park System’s Hero

I believe Teddy Roosevelt knew exactly what he was doing when he began his nature campaign to set acres of land, monuments and historical sites aside for the future of America. He loved the outdoors and our heritage and wanted to assure that every generation to follow was going to have the same advantage. Roosevelt […]

Ailments of Our Park System

This year’s US Presidential election campaigns are not mentioning anything about public land preservation. Did Teddy not teach us anything? We need to hold a constant vigilance when it comes to safe guarding our national treasures. I realize there are pressing events and circumstances that need to be spotlighted and to the lay person our […]

Working In The Park Service

This year, 2016 marks the centennial celebration of the US National Park System. 100 years of land designated and devoted to the preservation of nature and the enjoyment and education of those who visit. Over the past century the number of parks has grown to over 400. It’s the dedication and work of the Park […]

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